Sunday’s Successful Habits.
Some ask themselves, what does it take to be successful?
Little do they know all it takes is a well spent Sunday. When you truly look at the habits of a successful person, you will see that “A Sunday well spent, brings a week of success and content.” The key-simply a successful Sunday-is completely overlooked. Things to take into consideration when coming to the end of each week are (and keep in mind this should not take you more than 2-3 hours, and be sure it’s in a peaceful/mindful setting):
Category Archives: Uncategorized
What’s Your WHY?
Before finding your why, building a business is just work… But once you find your WHY, the work has purpose. Around here, we talk a lot about finding freedom. For some people, freedom is their why. They just want to be free of many different things… their job, their boss, their time deficit, their financial restrictions. But for most people, finding freedom […]